----------------------------------------------------------------------------- zm_silent_hill for Counter-Strike Zomby Mod Kazakhstan, Temirtau.......................................11.02.2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------The subject------------------------------------------------- The hospital for psychological rehabilitation of servicemen, who had been in hotspots, was started to build in small town in 1973. It was named "Silent hill". The old neglected graveyard was chosen as the place for building and it excited indignation of citizens. Gradually the hospital was becoming covered with legends and rumours about ghosts, mysterious luminescence and someoneÒs voicesÅ Almost every month the accidents happened at the building sit and sometime it entailed someoneÒs death. Superstitious people found a sign in these stories:ÔThe souls of buried at the graveyard people are revenging for troubling of their peaceÔ. The building of hospital often interrupted, but all the same it had finished in 1979. The disrepute of the hospital was forgetting by degrees, but it was remembered again after the murder in hospital in spring 1995. A young woman with little baby came to hospital to visit one of servicemen, who was there for not a long time. She was led in a ward of patient, and in some period of time the nurse who went pass the ward had heard the scream and sound of stroke. She had seen a terrible scene when she had opened the door of the ward: the woman had been lying on the floor in the pool of blood and the man had been standing on his knees near the woman and he had been whispering something illegibly. The investigators who got in the hospital hadnÒt found any tools of murder. Also they didnÒt know where the baby had disappeared. The man didnÒt answer any questions, he just talked rot about some terrible vision and said that all of them had to leave the hospital or they would dieÅIn couple of days there was some noise in this ward and physicians had seen the bloody inscription when they had come there. ÓGo awayÅÔ was written by childish hand. At one night in a week after the murder suddenly the whole of hospital lit up with the bright blood-red light which became dim in a few minutes. The policemen who came to this place had seen patients and physicians on duty lying in the hall and corridors. All of them was covered with blood and lying unconscious. It was hard to believe in the stories of victims about happening but all their stories was the same. It was the mass madness orÅit was trueÅ ThereÒs the story of one patient about happening: ÓI woke up over the bright-red light at night. When it had become dim IÒd seen my ward being covered with blood and walls was ragged. I was dressed with camouflage Ö the same as my uniform. The sub-machine-gun was lying near. I took it and went to the corridor. There was the same scene. Everything was the same terrible as my ward, the sweepings was everywhereÅI saw that other patients went out from their wards. They also were dressed with camouflage and had the weapon. Suddenly we had heard loud inhuman scream and had seen many monsters coming from everywhere. Some of them looked like the half-rotten corpses; others looked like something unintelligible but undoubtedly being the human long agoÅ When they had touched us we came to the same monstersÅ We fired back of them, tried to go to exit but there was the grating. We shot at the windows, threw grenades (yeas, some of us had found it in their ward near the gun), but we couldnÒt break them. We closed in one of the rooms, barricaded the exit and tried to save the position. Suddenly we had heard some whisper and I fainted. I regained consciousness in my ward at the same situation. I took me weapon and exited the room. We fired back of monsters, took the positions and tried to save them, heard the whisper in some period of time and fainted over and over againÅ I donÒt know how long it lasted. May be 10 minutes or may be some days. We didnÒt feel tiredness. We couldnÒt stop as something made us to run, to hide and to shootÅ And suddenly I had heard this quite whisper, had seen the bright blood-red light and come to myself in my ward again. But this time it was the common ward. And I was covered with blood and felt the pain after every actionÅÔ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Features------------------------------------------------- * New textures (redacting, from The Penumbra and Silent Hill games, [HL1]Paranoia and [HL1]Mistake-1 mods, and own textures). * New sounds (from The Penumbra game and [HL1]Mistake-1 mod, some of them was redacted). * New models (redacted, from [HL1]Paranoia mod, and own models). * The map consists of two locations Ö the pool and two-storeyed hospital. * The action has place in the beyond: ruins, blood and dirt is everywhere, screams and vague whisper, ghosts and etc are heard. But somewhere you can find the reality without changes. * Many easter eggs. * "Sounding" textures. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Extra information------------------------------------------------- * Size of map: big * Maximum number of players: 32 * Average r_speed: wpoly - 500-600 * Maximum r_speed: wpoly - 1100 * Compile time: 4 hours 37 minutes * Build time: 03.08.2009 - 11.02.2010 * Other maps: zm_ilc_water_house, zm_ilc_resident_evil2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Authors------------------------------------------------- * Ilchenko Sergey aka Cep}I{ icq: 355-681-293 e-mail: sergeoi@mail.kz, sergeoi@mail.ru home page: http://mod-s.ucoz.ru * Ilchenko Pavel aka BoLxB - models, ideas icq: 426-345-906 e-mail: inkvi3it0r@mail.ru ------Thanks------------------------------------------------- * 17thDay * Anikes * axel_kat * Hiubert * Psycho-A * Mistake & Paranoia HL1-mod teams * cs-mapping.com.ua community ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Setting of map------------------------------------------------- 1) extract files from the archive 2) copy files and paste them in the \cstrike -----------------------------------------------------------------------------